Shelter Cat was Given a Chance, Now 14, He Gives Back to People Every Day at Book Store

Shelter Cat was Given a Chance, Now 14, He Gives Back to People Every Day at Book Store


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He was 9 years old, grumpy and unhealthy, living miserably at the shelter and couldn't find a home, but a kind woman took a chance on him and let him live out his retirement at her book store. It brought joy back into his life.

This ginger cat has been guarding the shop and caring for every customer that walks in for almost 6 years.

Meet Catsby the 14-year-old book shop cat!

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

"He was picked up by a local rescue group called Cat Crusaders. Catsby was older and incredibly unfriendly towards other animals. He needed a place and I had a book store," Danielle Joy Whatley told Love Meow.

Danielle owns the Second Edition Book Shop in Davie, Florida. As an animal lover, she knew right away that cats like Catsby would most likely be overlooked at the shelter. She wanted to give him a chance and help rehab him from an otherwise uncertain fate.

The ginger feline is FIV+ and doesn't like other cats. He came with a lot of health issues and emotional baggage. "When I got him, he needed a massive amount of eye surgery."

Catsby had Entropion, a rare condition in cats which causes an inward rolling of the eyelid edges. "It probably explains why he was grumpy, curmudgeonly back then. He was constantly living in discomfort."

Once Catsby moved into his new home, had his eyes all fixed up, his demeanor changed drastically.

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

"He loves people. I don't even think an hour goes by where he's not with somebody," Danielle told Love Meow.

"People come in to see him all day, every day. He loves it."

Catsby greeting by the door, welcoming customers with a big, radiant smile!

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

"He loves his second chance and is incredibly grateful. People can sense that. It's a mutual admiration," Danielle said.

The ginger boy thrived and blossomed under the attention from the customers. He began to take reign at the store and offered a helping paw whenever he could.

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

Many retirees who aren't able to have cats, come to the store to get their kitty fix. "Catsby seems to grip onto that. He spends a lot less time napping than the average cats," Danielle told Love Meow.

"He goes down the aisle, follows people and rubs on their ankles to make sure they know that he's there."

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

Many customers regularly visit the store for their beloved Catsby. The smart ginger boy recognizes their voices and remembers them by their scent.

"He sits with them, watches them," Danielle told Love Meow. "People come in with treats in their pockets. They bring him toys."

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

"We call him the CEO Kitty as he owns the store and signs my paychecks," Danielle said.

Catsby happily greets his humans every day by the door. When he hears the keys, he meows and walks to his food bowl, signaling it's time for breakfast.

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

Catsby is always following customers around and helping them with their needs.

The ginger boy has the knowledge and good taste for books.

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

Catsby makes the purfect reading companion for all ages.

He spent the entire afternoon reading and snuggling with this little lady.

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

Despite his age at 14, Catsby still has a lot to give. "He enhances my day and my customers' day," Danielle told Love Meow.

"He gives back to people every day and is incredibly grateful."

Courtesy: Danielle Joy Whatley of Second Edition Book Shop

CEO Kitty coming out from his private office. (Watch video)

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Related story: Ginger Cat Runs a Store for 9 Years and Has Never Taken a Day Off

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