9 Stages Of Browsing The Internet With A Cat

9 Stages Of Browsing The Internet With A Cat


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Meet Thor the cat who loves to sit on his roommate's chest when she gets on her laptop. As he grows, his chest perching habit never goes away.

1. The discovery: Thor discovers his new perching place when the human gets on her computer.

2. Perfect snugging

3. Shoulder rest: trying different perching areas on the human while she's busy browsing the web.

4. Monitoring: start getting interested in what the human does on the web.

5. Attention seeking: reminds his human that he wants some love and she should get away from the screen sometimes.

6. Perching area gets smaller: kitty's increase in size makes it slightly harder for the human to see "but I don't have the heart to push him away."

7. Cat hair everywhere, but its all good.

8. Gets involved in everything: whatever she does on her computer, the kitty is watching.

9. Bliss: the happiness it brings browsing the web with a cat. Not to mention Thor keeps his human warm.

Source: Buzzfeed.

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