Backpacking Cat Touring the World with French Couple

Backpacking Cat Touring the World with French Couple


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Update on their journey: the couple and the kitty are taking time off right now and starting a video production company in Colombia. They will continue their journey once they are ready :). You can go to their Facebook to check out some of the videos they made.


A pet cat is accompanying her owners in a mission to tour around the world by foot on a $2,000 budget per year for about two to three years. Since they can only stay in the U.S. for 85 days, they are walking about 20 miles per day to get their goal accomplished. The French couple and their cat started their trip in Florida, then were headed west to Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.

The cat whose name is Kitty, is often seen resting in the backpack while the couple are hiking down the road. They even set up a little umbrella on the backpack to give the kitty some shade from the sun.

Kitty was found by the couple on a busy road when they were in Louisiana. She was very small, abandoned and alone. Initially the couple was going to find her a home, but very soon they decided to keep her because they had madly fallen in love. They took Kitty to the vet to receive shots and a physical checkup.

Kitty enjoys the trip as much as the couple. She often climbs on the shoulder of her daddy to get a good look at every new scenery. She does not seem to be shy or bashful about meeting new people or visiting a new place. The kitty is growing to be a world-class adventurous explorer, perhaps the first cat that gets to tour around the world.

The couple and their cat have attracted a plethora of local medias attention wherever they land. The kitty is never shy from the camera. You can tell from the video below that she is pretty comfortable with it.

Check out their photos of the journey.

If you can read French, don't forget to visit their site to see more about this amazing journey.



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