Cat with One Eye Rescued Along with Her Sister Who Has No Eyes and Depends on Her...

Cat with One Eye Rescued Along with Her Sister Who Has No Eyes and Depends on Her...


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Two tiny feline sisters rely on each other in a very special way. One of them doesn't have eyes and she depends on her sister who only has one eye.

Meet Lola and Lucy!

Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue

In early January, the two sisters found their way into a small rescue group named Happy Jack Rescue (in Boise, ID). They took them in when no one else would. They noticed the incredible bond between the two and the medical attention they desperately needed.

As a small rescue, they couldn't meet all of the girls medical needs, so they reached out to numerous rescues across the US, hoping someone could help the bonded pair.

No rescue replied to their email, except Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue (SPCR, in Kenosha, WI). Kirsten Kranz, the founder/director said she would help, but first, they had to figure out how to transport the two sisters from ID to WI (over 1,600 miles).

"Fortunately, we have a volunteer flight attendant, who spends her few days off, flying across the U.S. to get cats into our rescue, should we get a plea for help," Sue Lentz of SPCR told Love Meow.

"Happy Jack Rescue took the two girls to a local vet, to make sure that they could fly, because of Lola's compromised eye. So fly they did, right into O'Hare Airport. They got whisked away by transporters, and arrived at their WI foster home."

Freedom ride! Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue

Lucy, is the larger of the two sisters, and also the one who is blind. Lola is a tiny little mite, but she is the leader of the two, because she has one eye, and sees for the both of them.

The two girls were two years old, weighing just two pounds each. "First order of business was to get them 'bulked' up a bit. They were pitifully thin," Lentz told Love Meow.

Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue

The sisters can't chew normally because of their severe underbites, so Lentz feeds them watered-down soft food. "They do a kind of shoveling, and using their tongues, they lap it up, into their mouths."

In just two months, they have more than doubled their weight. "Lucy now weighs 4.9 lbs and Lola weighs 4.6 lbs."

Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue

"Even though Lola has limited vision, Lucy depends on her, to lead and guide her. She sticks right by her side, especially in unfamiliar surroundings, because there is a bond and great trust between them," Lentz told Love Meow.

"When Lola has eye appointments, Lucy won't use her cat bed and doesn't eat until Lola arrives back home, even though sometimes the appointments are an all day affair."

Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue

Update: Despite the all day care, the endless drops and ointments placed in Lola's eye every two hours, Lola's eye ruptured, and will be removed today.

Cats are amazing creatures that can adapt and bounce back quickly. Their wonderful foster parents will make sure that Lola and Lucy get through this feeling safe, warm and loved. "Now that neither one has sight, it will be interesting to see what develops, in regard to the dynamics of the pair."

"They are a truly remarkable pair of sisters, who have gone through so much diversity and pain, but who never give up, because they know, they have each other."

Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to help Lola and Lucy with their medical expenses, click here to see how you can help. Follow updates on Lola and Lucy at Specialty Purebred CAT Rescue on Facebook.

Related story: Woman Saves Blind Kitten with 'Backwards' Legs and Turns Her Life Around

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