Dillon The Cat Born Blind, Lives A Normal Happy Life

Dillon The Cat Born Blind, Lives A Normal Happy Life


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Dillon was born blind and lived on the streets for four months before being rescued by the Animal Rescue League of Boston. Even though Dillon has never had sight, it doesn't stop him from living a normal and happy feline life.

Photo: @dillontheblindcat

Dillon's human wrote via Kitty Army:

"He never fully developed eyes — his veterinarians were never certain if it was because of genetics or because of ocular herpes. His veterinarians were fairly sure, however, that he never had sight. To prevent ulceration and infection of what little, non-functional eyes he had developed, his veterinarians removed the organs and sewed him up. Because he was only a kitten, it allowed for his other senses to develop so fully and richly that today he carries on a very normal feline life — and yet he is also so extraordinary."

Even though Dillon is blind, it doesn't stop him from living a normal and happy feline life.

Photo: @dillontheblindcat

"For us, it was love at first sight. We knew from the moment we saw him that we would adopt him, and he has completely adopted us as well."

Photo: @dillontheblindcat

"He is constantly surprising us. Things we thought he would never do, like get up on furniture and run around the house, he has completely mastered. He hardly ever bumps into anything, as he has mapped out every inch of our place and knows it by heart. Even when we move furniture around, it doesn't phase him. He's used to it in seconds — his memory must be so sharp."

Photo: @dillontheblindcat

"He follows us around like a little duckling, weaving in and out of our legs, 'staring' up at us with a look of complete contentment."

Photo: @dillontheblindcat

WATCH VIDEO: One of his favorite games is "chase the kibble".

"We knew from the moment we saw him that we would adopt him, and he has completely adopted us as well."

Photo: @dillontheblindcat

"He is honestly such a happy cat."

Photo: @dillontheblindcat

WATCH VIDEO: Dillon just discovers icecubes!

Dillon gives his human dad a kiss.

Photo: @dillontheblindcat

"Most people who adopt will tell you that yes, they may have saved their animal, but in turn their animal has saved them as well."

Photo: @dillontheblindcat

See more photos of Dillon on Instagram. Follow him on Facebook.

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