He was Born a Runt to a Farm Cat and a Bit Different from His Siblings

He was Born a Runt to a Farm Cat and a Bit Different from His Siblings


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He was born a bit different from his siblings and was the runt of the litter, but this special little guy is as happy as he can be.

Courtesy of Kathryn

Theo was born to an ordinary farm cat and was the smallest baby in his litter. His front legs never fully developed and was the only cat in his litter with shorter legs. "He just happened as an adorable anomaly from a regular farm cat," Kat told Love Meow.

Because of his size, Theo often got picked on by bigger cats. On the day he was adopted, the ginger boy was very shy.

"He was scared at first and when I scooped him out of the kitty carrier the first time he ran and hid up under my skirt. I tucked him under the shelf on my headboard that night and he curled up to sleep," Kat said.

Follow Theo on Instagram.

Courtesy of Kathryn

"But a few days later he owned the whole house. He got into the basement covered in dust bunnies even. He follows me around all the time meowing and responding when I ask him questions. He mostly just wants cuddles," Kat said.

Sometimes he likes to sit on his paws like this :).

Courtesy of Kathryn

"He is always trying to call me to come upstairs and snuggle in bed. He chases shadows, and the laser pointer so he doesn't really like any of the other toys I bought him," Kat told Love Meow.

Courtesy of Kathryn

"He chews on my hair when I'm laying in bed. He's always standing on his hind legs and sometimes he lowers his paws onto his feet paws.

"Every day when I come home from work and he comes dashing out to me meowing," Kat told Love Meow.

Courtesy of Kathryn

"He's a very happy and healthy kitty. He just can't get up on counters which is good because he doesn't get into trouble."

Concerned about his food supply.

Courtesy of Kathryn

Sleeping like a little human.

Courtesy of Kathryn

When Theo wants attention...

Courtesy of Kathryn

Sharing a blanket and cuddling with his human mom!

Courtesy of Kathryn

Theo may be a bit different from his siblings but he's the happiest little guy who just wants to be loved!

Courtesy of Kathryn

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