cat with owl eyes fluffy meerkat

Just When They Think Their Cat Can't Get Any Cuter and Fluffier


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This little fluffy ball of joy can do no wrong. Every time he gives his humans that pitiful look often coupled with a meerkat impression, no one in the family has the heart to say no, ever!

Soon after he moved into his new home, he stood on his hind quarters and hid his front paws in his ever so fuzzy coat while looking into the eyes of his humans. Whatever he asked, he got!

Meet Gimo the cat! The front paws have disappeared into all the floof!

fluffy kitten big eyes owl cat meerkatPhoto: @1room1cat

At an early age, he has mastered the art of demanding attention.

fluffy kitten big eyes owl cat meerkatPhoto: @1room1cat

When he sees a suspicious intruder, those eyes go into detective mode!

fluffy kitten big eyes owl catPhoto: @1room1cat

Gimo reminds his human to put down her phone and tend the kitty!

Photo: @1room1cat

He gets bigger and fluffier!

fluffy kitten big eyes owl catPhoto: @1room1cat

Gimo gets up on a case of water bottles to help him become taller!

fluffy kitten big eyes owl catPhoto: @1room1cat

His glorious mane is coming into fruition.

fluffy kitten big eyes owl catPhoto: @1room1cat

Do you see another kitty in this picture?

fluffy kitten big eyes owl catPhoto: @1room1cat

Just when his humans found it impossible to say no to his demands, he tilted his head to make it even harder.

fluffy kitten big eyes owl catPhoto: @1room1cat

All grown up now! Those marbly eyes!

fluffy kitten big eyes owl catPhoto: @1room1cat

Gimo loves nothing more than snuggling in his human's lap and getting spoiled!

fluffy kitten big eyes owl catPhoto: @1room1cat

Watch Gimo as he wiggles and pounces!

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