Woman Went to Local Rescue for a Kitten But Couldn’t Leave Her Adopted Sister Behind

Woman Went to Local Rescue for a Kitten But Couldn’t Leave Her Adopted Sister Behind


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A woman fell in love with a rescued calico. When she learned about her adopted sister, she couldn't leave her behind.

Vicky Arias @naomiandsushi

A calico kitten was found wandering the streets in Commerce, California early June. She was taken in by Animal Control and later transferred to Friends for Life RescueNetwork for a chance at a better life.

The little bundle of fur was covered in fleas but was otherwise in good health and spirits. They named her Naomi, and she quickly proved to be a very sassy kitty, full of cat-titude.

"Naomi was a spitfire with major single-kitten syndrome and needed a buddy to help teach her how to 'cat' properly," Jacqueline DeAmor, founder of Friends for Life RescueNetwork, told Love Meow.

Friends for Life RescueNetwork

A few days earlier, Jacqueline rescued another stray kitten named Sushi who had the perfect personality to match Naomi's.

"I knew right away they were meant to be a pair. Sushi was sweet, calm, gentle and had the biggest purr machine. She calmed the fiercest of kitty friends with her sweet, playful nature."

Friends for Life RescueNetwork

When the two were healthy and ready to meet, they quickly hit it off as if they had been litter-mates all their lives. Sushi snuggled right up to her new best friend, and Naomi accepted her whole-heartedly.

Vicky Arias from Los Angeles came across the little calico on Instagram when she was looking to adopt a kitten. She was completely smitten and thought Naomi would be a perfect fit.

Friends for Life RescueNetwork

"I was the first one to reply asking how to adopt her. I offered to foster her in order to be the first pick for adoption," Vicky told Love Meow.

"That's when I found out she was part of a bonded pair — to me, that was perfect."

Vicky was thrilled to foster-to-adopt both kittens. Knowing how much they depend on each other, she knew she had to bring them home together.

Friends for Life RescueNetwork

"Our first time meeting was in my tiny bathroom where upon inspecting my pants, both kittens decided they rather liked snuggling up in my criss-crossed legs," Vicky shared with Love Meow.

"Sushi in particular was ready to fall asleep, belly up, in my lap while I pet her."

Vicky Arias @naomiandsushi

It didn't take long for the family to see just how special the bond the two sisters share. (Scroll down for video)

"Sushi definitely took on the role of a big sister, teaching Naomi not to bite or scratch so hard. While Naomi is a literal copycat, like all little sisters, she does exactly as the older one does."

Vicky Arias @naomiandsushi

Naomi who needs guidance, looks up to Sushi and is following in her paw-steps everywhere they go.

"I like to refer to Sushi as a future Olympian because she just understands everything really quickly and is so good at 'cat-ing'. Naomi studies her like a hawk and tries pretty hard to be more like Sushi," Vicky told Love Meow.

Vicky Arias @naomiandsushi

"She'll even step in Sushi's literal paw prints sometimes. Yet she's a bit more impatient, talks to us a lot."

Sushi is a calming presence to her little sister. She watches over her and likes to wrap her paws around her when they nap.

Vicky Arias @naomiandsushi

Vicky thought she would bring home a cat but ended up adopting the perfect pair.

"In a very short amount of time, they grew into very fine kittens who love nothing more than to chase each other, their toys, or a mistaken strand of hair, in-between epic snuggle puddles of course."

Vicky Arias @naomiandsushi

Follow Naomi and Sushi on Instagram @naomiandsushi. Follow Friends for Life RescueNetwork on Facebook and Instagram.

Watch the two best friends in this cute video:

Rescued kittens - two best friendsyoutu.be

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Related story: Couple Tries to Find Kitten a Home But Their Puppy Cuddles Her and Won't Let Go

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