Kitten Rescued in Israel

Kitten Rescued in Israel


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When Eldad Hagar, rescuer who has fostered and saved hundreds of animals in his home in California, travelled to Israel for the rescue work there, a local firefighter pointed him to a litter of orphan kittens.

"A firefighter in Israel noticed that I was working with the cats on the streets, and pulled over. He told me that a couple of days ago he saw three kittens lying down near a dumpster as he was rushing to an emergency, and seeing me triggered that memory," said Eldad who founded Hope for Paws.

"I rushed to the location expecting to find three dead kittens, but to my surprise, they were alive!!! I quickly scooped them up, took them to my car, and with help from Lilach we were able to save all three little black kittens."

It's a miracle that the kitties all survived and are now thriving under their care. "Soon they will start looking for a home." Eldad is working on finding homes for all the kitties after they have grown big enough.

One of the three black kittens saved!

Photo by Eldad Hagar (Hope for Paws).

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