Kitten Saved by a World Renowned Climber

Kitten Saved by a World Renowned Climber


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A tabby kitten was stuck on the ledge of an old construction and could not get down. Kayla Claire, a famous mountaineer heard the kitten crying while she was jogging through the area. She and her friends stopped and started to trace the source of crying. They located the kitten who was terrified and desperately wanted to get down, but found no way to climb down.

Claire decided to go home to grab her climbing equipment so she could rescue the poor kitten. The cat was awaiting her descend to the ledge and ready to be picked up. She handed over the little one to her friend who was waiting for her at the top of the construction. The kitten did not resist at all and seemed to be composed that he was finally in good hands.

Claire had some trouble when she tried to climb back up, but both the kitten and her rescuer safely made it to land. The kitten was still shaking but feeling much calmer being in the arms of his rescuer.

Image via flickr: dkjd

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