Kitten, Who Cheated Death, Gives Comfort to Other Kitties Just Like Him

Kitten, Who Cheated Death, Gives Comfort to Other Kitties Just Like Him


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This teeny little kitten was found abandoned at the gas station, barely hanging on, but he fought hard to live against all odds. A month later, he is giving back to other rescue cats just like him.

Meet Champ the cat.

Courtesy: Animal in Distress

A good Samaritan found a litter of newborn kittens by the gas station and immediately drove them to Animals in Distress in Ipplepen (UK) to seek help.

The kittens were so young that their umbilical cords were still attached. "They were found dumped in a box at a service station," Rowana of Animal in Distress told Love Meow.

Despite many sleepless nights and the very best efforts of every staff, only one kitten survived.

Courtesy: Animal in Distress

Without their mother's milk, the kittens had no immunity, and three of the four babies were not strong enough to fight off an infection, but that one tiny kitten refused to give up.

"Champ is the only survivor," Rowana told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Animal in Distress

His caregivers were there with him every step of the way, feeding him around the clock and cuddling with him throughout the day and night.

All the hard work paid off, and little Champ began to turn around. As soon as he discovered how to work his tiny legs, he went on his first expedition. After weeks of bottle feeding, he graduated by learning to eat on his own and even tried his first solid food - these were the little things that everyone at the shelter celebrated for.

Courtesy: Animal in Distress

Then Champ discovered other feline friends at the shelter, who are just like him - given a second chance at life and now are looking for their forever homes.

He decided to visit them and give them some love.

Courtesy: Animal in Distress

On the first day Champ visited his friends at the shelter, he greeted them through the glass window, as if he was trying to play and send them a bit of feline support.

Courtesy: Animal in Distress

"Champ has been out visiting the other cats."

The little furry fighter has come a long way. A month after he was rescued, he is now giving back to other kitties in need.

One of the shelter cats paws the window to greet little Champ.

Courtesy: Animal in Distress

Champ says "meow" to another furry friend.

Courtesy: Animal in Distress

Champ meets Thomas William, who is very excited to see him.

After a long day meeting shelter animals and sending them purrs, Champ settles down for a much-needed cat nap.

Courtesy: Animal in Distress

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Related story: Tiniest Orphaned Kitten Found in Field Cries Out for Help, Then and Now

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