Kitten With Extremely Rare Condition Fights to Live Like a Warrior, What a Difference in One Day

Kitten With Extremely Rare Condition Fights to Live Like a Warrior, What a Difference in One Day


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A kitten with an extremely rare condition wouldn't give up fighting. This is the difference a second chance can make in just one day!

Meet Winter the little fighter!

Courtesy of Korrie Perez/Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR

Winter was rescued along with six others from a hoarding situation. Only four made it, including little Winter.

"My friend who volunteers for another rescue took them in," Korrie Perez of Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR told Love Meow.

Soon they realized this tiny and the most loving kitten would need a life-saving transfusion to stay alive, they began to plead for help.

Having it done by a specialist would cost thousands but that didn't stop one woman from helping this little guy fight for a chance for survival.

"I'm a stage 3 breast cancer survivor. So giving up isn't something I do!" Korrie said.

Courtesy of Korrie Perez/Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR

The next morning, Korrie drove 30 miles to bring the kitten home.

"When I picked him up (my friend) was saying goodbye and sobbing. I assured her that he was NOT going to die and away I went like the wind to my vet hospital that is top notch!

"When I got there they rushed him to the back, his blood count was 4.7 but he was ALIVE!"

They immediately gave him a transfusion, and Winter purred his way through the procedure.

"I held him while they gave him fluids... I was there until after 8 that night and never left his side. He began to pink up after the first couple of hours, and could drink water around 7 that night."

"He purrs the entire time he gets the transfusions, the vets have to use his femoral artery to get a pulse because he NEVER stops purring!"

Courtesy of Korrie Perez/Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR

The day after his first transfusion... look at the difference!

Winter got his energy back! His ears perked up and he looked great!

Courtesy of Korrie Perez/Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR

"He took his meds like a champ and is eating great!"

Winter chowing down the food. He loves it!

Courtesy of Korrie Perez/Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR

After a few days of trying to find a diagnoses, they discovered something so rare that there have only been 9 other cases documented since 1888. And "none of them have ever been a kitten."

Winter was diagnosed with Pure red cell aplasia, an auto immune disorder that causes his body to fight itself. "We are treating him with steroids now to knock his immune system down so he may possibly stop fighting his own body."

Playing with his human! Winter is fascinated by the little fuzz ball.

Courtesy of Korrie Perez/Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR

This little buddy continues to improve!

He may need a transfusion once a week for a few weeks, or months.... but this little fella absolutely loves life!

Courtesy of Korrie Perez/Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR

"He's such an angel, every time at the vets office people are just drawn to him...

"And all the vet techs love him!"

Courtesy of Korrie Perez/Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR

Winter is a little miracle, so full of life and love! No one expected him to make it before they got to the vet's office, but he did like a warrior.

"He is such a fighter! He didn't give up, how could I?" Korrie said.

Courtesy of Korrie Perez/Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR

The morning after his first transfusion... He's meowing and talking with his new found energy!

A week later, look at the difference!

Share this story with your friends! Follow Winter's updates on Facebook. You can help Winter and their rescue efforts at Ohana Feral cat and Kitten TNR's website's website or Facebook page.

Here's another tiny furry warrior: Tiniest Runt They Have Ever Seen Gets a Fighting Chance

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