Kitty Born With Twisted Legs But She Doesn't Mind

Kitty Born With Twisted Legs But She Doesn't Mind


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Meet Munchkin the cutie pie from Saving Grace Rescue. She has a pair of twisted hind legs but she doesn't mind. Just like Kanga the cat, Munchkin was born with a deformity in her legs, but it doesn't bother her a bit. She plays and does everything other cats do.

Today, Munchkin has found a forever loving home.

Munchkin the cutie pie was born with twisted hind legs but she doesn't mind.

She plays and does everything other cats do.


And she loves to show off her belly :).

Sometimes she thinks deeply about kitty matters...

Other times she entertains with her natural talents.


She's a happy kitty who moves around a bit different but it doesn't bother her at all. Today, Munchkin is ruling the roost at her forever loving home.


Photos by Josh Norem of The Furrtographer. Following Saving Grace Rescue on Facebook.

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