Kouki the Rescue and His Will to Live

Kouki the Rescue and His Will to Live


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This little one is called Kouki. He was found through a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program in a feral colony in Japan. At the age of 3 months old, Kouki was abandoned by his cat mother but was rescued by people who gave him a second chance at life.

Kouki had to stay at an animal hospital for a while due to his health condition. He had pneumonia at the time and needed continuous treatment and a plethora of love.

Kouki's foster mother went to the hospital everyday to check on the little one. She was worried every night and sometimes she could barely sleep.

With prayers coming from a lot of cat lovers from all over Japan through her blog, Kouki seemed to be getting better and better each day. When his foster mom visited him at the hospital one day, he seemed to have a lot more energy and was showing a lot of interest in his first cat toy.

"Rather than antibiotics or drugs, it was his will that kept him going and helped him bring up his immune system," said on her blog.

Finally Kouki was discharged from the hospital and happily joined his foster family into their home. He no longer needed to rely on oxygen supply and was feeling very happy and healthy.

Soon Kouki made an enormous progress in his health and made a lot of fur friends at home. By looking at him today, it's hard to imagine that he was that little skinny, tired looking kitten. Today he is a playful, mischievous little boy with a big purrsonality.

Photos courtesy of ©Momo rescue group もも組. Check out their blog here.

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