Little Gray Rescue Found New Home and Friendship

Little Gray Rescue Found New Home and Friendship


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A little gray kitten was spotted in the middle of the road. No one knows where he came from or why he was there. "This is a kitten my coworker Susannah found in a 4-lane road in Pasadena (California). She pulled over and ran out in traffic to rescue (him)," said Pinguino Kolb.

Pinguino learned about the little one's ordeal and decided to take him home, hoping he would get along with her tortie kitty, Binary. They named the little rescue #ccc. It means gray in color code :).

#ccc and Binary soon bonded. He often stalks Binary from behind and wrestles with her tail when he is not attacking his penguin toy. Binary loves to give her buddy bathes and cuddles him to sleep. It is as if that they are meant to be with each other.

Photos courtesy of ©Pinguino Kolb (flickr: pinguino).

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