Man Saves One-eyed Stray and the Cat Returns the Favor By Guarding His Home from Burglar...

Man Saves One-eyed Stray and the Cat Returns the Favor By Guarding His Home from Burglar...


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A man saved an one-eyed stray cat from the streets and the kitty returned the favor by guarding his home from an intruder.

Meet Manny the cat!

The West Australian/Facebook

Andrew, a resident in Adelaide, Australia, met the one-eyed feline five months ago, and it was love at first sight.

Manny, a gray fluffy cat, lost an eye from a cat fight, and before he found Andrew, he had always lived a stray life fending for himself.

After Andrew adopted Manny, the two became bonded friends. Every morning Manny wakes up his human dad for breakfast but yesterday (Tuesday) his wake-up call was quite different and a bit alarming.

The West Australian/Facebook

"It was not quite the same as if he was asking for food," Andrew told the West Australian.

Manny was meowing loudly to alert his human of something strange going on in the house. Andrew got out of the bed and heard noises from the back of his house. He then carefully made his way to the dining room, and what he saw was a complete stranger who had cracked through the backdoor into his home.

The West Australian/Facebook

"I asked him 'what are you doing in my house?' and he basically just walked straight past me and out the back door."

Andrew followed him, picked up the registration of the burglar's getaway car and informed the police. A 45-year-old man was later arrested.

The West Australian/Facebook

Without Manny's help, the intruder could have taken Andrew's possessions and fled without a trace. Andrew thanked the little feline by giving him all the pets he wanted after a hearty breakfast.

"Who needs a guard dog when you've got a cat?" Andrew said.

The West Australian/Facebook

Manny no longer needs to fend for himself as he lives in a loving home. So he's fending off intruders, guarding his human for life.

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