Man Stops on Highway to Save Frightened Feral Kitten

Man Stops on Highway to Save Frightened Feral Kitten


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A man spotted a tiny kitten on the highway. He stopped his car and brought the little frightened kitty to safety.

"He was feral, but after some time he calmed down… I learned 'if you feed it enough it will love you,'" PandaPocaryps wrote on reddit.

The little kitty was named Eleven.

"...being new to Texas I thought that I was on Hwy 281... (I like to name things based upon the situation that they came into my life) so with that being said (with Hwy 281 in mind) I took 2+8+1=11 so i named him Eleven. The funny part is that I was actually on Hwy 35... (story of my life lol) I just stuck with 11 though."

"in 98F degree heat, during rush hour traffic, while breaking in traffic something small ran across (from right to left) this 5 lane highway right in front of my car."


"As I passed I looked to the median and noticed it was a kitten... I had to take the 1st exit, double back and rescue him. I picked him up and he bit me.... twice, but I got him in my car."


He took the kitten to the vet for an emergency visit. They treated his eye infection and found out that the kitten was just 5 weeks old.


"A month and a half later he is well adjusted and killing his fav stuffed Panda daily."


He was named Eleven.


This is his favorite thing to do now.


Update: Eleven all grown up!


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