A tiny calico kitten was saved and adopted by a retired guard dog. Now Lily the dog guards and protects her little kitten.
"I heard a loud funny noise as we entered the park and I thought it was a bird. We walked Lily and on the way out I decided to investigate the noise that was still quite loud thinking it could be an injured bird," said Lorrie R. via Kitty Army.
As they approached closer to the noise, Lily the dog started sniffing around and that’s when she found a 2 week old kitten. Knowing that it would be impossible for the kitten to survive in the woods, Lorrie picked up the kitten and they were headed off home.
"So I brought her home thinking it was going to be a very long month keeping them apart and safe. Much to my surprise, Lily has adopted the kitten! Comes and gets me when she needs to be fed and watches to make sure I do it right! I think Lily wants to keep her and I think in a month's time she may get her wish!"
A tiny calico kitten was saved and adopted by a dog named Lily.
Lily is a retired guard dog and now she guards and protects her little kitten.
Lily watches over her little kitten like a mother would.
When it's time for the kitten to be fed, she watches to make sure her human does it right.
Lily loves her kitty and the kitten adores her new mom.
Photos via Imgur and Kitty Army.