Orphaned Kitten Raised by a Dog Mama Now Thinks He's a Puppy.. (with Update)

Orphaned Kitten Raised by a Dog Mama Now Thinks He's a Puppy.. (with Update)


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This little tuxedo kitten was found without a mom, but soon that was about to change. When a pregnant dog saw the little kitten in need of motherly love, she took to him and started raising him like her own.

First day at his new home. The kitten wanted cuddles so badly that he started hugging the teddy.

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

"Some family friends found this little 2 week old kitten (guesstimate) in a field behind their house. Knowing we foster bottle babies for the local humane society, they called and asked if we could help the little guy. We of course said yes," Jamie Myers told Love Meow.

"Our mama dog was very close to delivering her pups at that time and took kitten in without hesitation! He was her baby and remained her baby even through the delivery of her own pups.

"To this day kitten doesn't know he is a cat!" Myers said.

"Mama dog is Callie, kitten is Widgie (short for Widget, because he was just a little widget when we got him)"

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

Callie is on orphan kitten duty. She won't let him out of her sight.

She seems to know that the kitten doesn't have a mommy and she becomes his new mom.

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

At this age, kitty already knows he is the boss!

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

The dogs are patiently waiting till kitten gets done with his kitty milk so they can have the leftovers!

Mama Callie guards her tuxedo by his side, making sure her kitten gets to eat first!

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

"He has no idea he wasn't part of Callie's litter! He doesn't care that he's a different color....or species...she is his mama and these are his siblings!" Myers told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

Mama letting her kitten know that she loves him like her own.

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

Snuggling time!

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

Here Widgie is giving a puppy a "pep talk"!

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

Widgie is very special to the family.

He came to them after they lost their cat Oreo, who was also a tuxedo.

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

Cuddling with his siblings! Bliss!

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

Updates: They are all grown up now!

Courtesy: Jamie Myers

Love has no boundaries. Share this beautiful story with your friends!

Related story: Motherless Kittens Bring Hope to Dog Who was Separated from Her Puppies...

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