Paralyzed Kitten Surprises Everyone When She Regains Mobility After Vets Said She Would Never Recover.

Paralyzed Kitten Surprises Everyone When She Regains Mobility After Vets Said She Would Never Recover.


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Hannah Shaw of Kitten Lady was at a shelter to pick up two orphaned kittens when she spotted little Chloe, who couldn't use her hind legs.

"We rescued a kitten with rear leg paralysis from suspected abuse. She is so sweet and so vulnerable; we absolutely could not say no to her," Hannah said.

Chloe the kittenHannah Shaw of Kitten Lady

Hannah ended up taking three kittens home that day. She didn't know what the prognosis would be for the little special needs kitten but one thing she knew for sure was that, "no one will ever lay a cruel hand on her again. She will be loved, she will be fluffy and clean, and she will be given the best chance I can give her at regaining mobility."

It didn't take long for little Chloe to come out of her shell and shine. She loves it when her foster mom talks to her in a soft and sweet voice. Getting chin scratches makes her the happiest kitty in the world.

"(She likes) having her backside held up for her so she can walk around and explore using her front legs," Hannah added.

Hannah Shaw of Kitten Lady

The sweet girl never ceases to amaze her humans just how much she loves life, and she refuses to let anything slow her down.

After a visit to the vet, it was clear that Chloe has a broken back. "She can't use her legs at all, and can only drag them behind her. But, she does have a deep pain reflex (she can pull her legs away if toes are pinched) which means she has feeling," Hannah explained.

Hannah Shaw of Kitten Lady

Hannah is on a mission to help Chloe rehabilitate and regain any function to help her thrive. "Chloe is happy and in no pain at all, but she cannot feel or use the back half of her body, including her legs, tail, and bladder. The vets felt that her case is 'extreme' and her prognosis is not good--that she is unlikely to ever recover."

Despite all the odds against her, it only makes Hannah more determined to help Chloe get better.

Hannah Shaw of Kitten Lady

"I'm going to take it day by day--I'm not going to give up, I will try alternate therapies, I will work on creating a set-up that supports her mobility, and I will focus on the positives: she is happy, she is alive, she is loved."

Chloe is always in good spirits and constantly doing kitten things. She never sees herself as disabled.

Chloe loves her fluffy alpacaHannah Shaw of Kitten Lady

"I am sitting here sobbing with a huge smile on my face watching Chloe play for the first time," Hannah said.

"I spoke with an amazing woman, @triumphant_teagan, who suggested offering her a box to glide around in. She literally went straight to the box and started playing, and I haven't stopped crying. Chloe is absolutely incredible."

Hannah Shaw of Kitten Lady

Hannah has consulted many doctors to find the best options to help Chloe recover. "She's now receiving cold laser therapy, red light laser therapy, NSAIDs, PT, Prazosin (to help her bladder relax)," she added.

"Chloe is more than her paralysis. She is a fun, funny, endlessly happy goofball who loves to cuddle alpacas, lick Andrew's beard (foster dad), and hunt tiny mouse toys. Now that she is cleaned up, flea free, dewormed, and has a few days of healthy food and physical therapy, her personality is really shining through! It is so fun getting to know her awesome little spirit."

Chloe and Andrew (foster dad)Hannah Shaw of Kitten Lady

After Chloe's neurologist suggested that she could practice on a grippy surface like a yoga mat, Hannah lined the entire kitten room with them.

"Now she is zipping around on two legs."

That week they also began acupuncture and Assisi Loop (recommended by Lil Bub's human), a medical device that helps regain mobility, and the outcome brought so much hope to everyone involved.

"Chloe's first acupuncture experience exceeded our wildest expectations," Hannah said.

Hannah Shaw of Kitten Lady

The sweet kitten fell asleep on her alpaca during acupuncture and electroacupuncture. "She began to kick her legs, move her tail, and even stand up. This is incredible. This is just a very small victory on a long road, but we now are looking ahead with more optimism than ever."

After the first session on the Assisi Loop, they were astonished by the result.

"She actually began to regain partial use of her bladder which doctors told me would likely never happen for her entire life. She is now peeing when stimulated (as opposed to having to have her bladder expressed), which is honestly so shocking and exciting I can't believe it."

Chloe and Assisi LoopHannah Shaw of Kitten Lady

With love and determination, little Chloe is now beating the odds. "A little paralysis can't hold Chloe down!"

Chloe loves it when Hannah talks to her.

Chloe playing for the first time...

"Chloe would like to dedicate her newfound knee mobility to everyone who told her she would never move her legs again. She's amazing and she ain't giving up."


Chloe has been adopted to a wonderful home in San Francisco!

"Right away she was so excited to check out every nook and cranny of the new digs. She looked in every room, under every desk and around every corner," Hannah said via YouTube.


"It was emotional to say goodbye to Chloe but I wasn't sad. I was so happy for this little kitten who I had fallen in love with, that now she would get to start her first day of the rest of her life," Hannah said.

Chloe's human parents adore their special girl. It's a purrfect match!


She got a big brother, Doogie, also a ginger cat.

Doogie was a bit nervous at first, but it didn't take long for the two kitties to start snuggling.


Chloe has blossomed into a gorgeous cat!

She aboslutely loves to play!

Share this story with your friends. Follow Chloe on Instagram @_gochloego_. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow Kitten Lady on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Cat Experiences Feeling in Paralyzed Legs and Can't Believe it

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