Petition for an Official Cat Day

Petition for an Official Cat Day


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In Japan, people come together to celebrate cats on February 22. Why haven't we thought about an official Cat Day? Cats definitely deserve a day of their own celebration.

Why is February 22 the Cat Day? In Japanese, 2 is read "ni" which is like the 'nyan' sound cats make in Japanese. Because of that, someone decided to make this date the Cat Day since in Japan cats symbolize good luck. Also there are numerous tales and legends surrounding cats. Maneki Neko is a money cat in Japan that is meant to bring good luck and fortune to people.

Cats are widely admired in Japan. The Super Station Master is a Calico cat found at the Wakayama Railway in Kishikawa, Japan. Soon after her discovery, her popularity swept the entire nation by storm. People would travel miles just to get a glimpse of her.

It is no surprise that Japanese people have a date to celebrate feline creatures. Why shouldn't we have the privilege to do the same? Cats do wonderful things for people no matter where they are. Their love is without borders and languages. In fact, cats are the best therapy animals for patients of all ages and degrees. Cats are funny, silly, adorable and loving. They make us smile everyday. When we are sad, they can feel it and they will come to console us. Cats are beautiful creatures with an angelic face that mesmerizes us, gives us that fuzzy feeling inside. I know I am forever indebted to my cats.

I think we should call for a petition for an official Cat Day :-). Hey, we can make a difference if we try. I would definitely do it for my cats. What do you say?

If you are in for the petition, leave a message and your name in the comment area. Also if you'd like to suggest a date for the Cat Day, put it down in your comment as well. Feel free to tell us where you are from.

Email a picture of you and your cat in support of the Cat Day Petition at:

We will have a gallery exhibit on for the Cat Day Petition.

Pass on this message to your friends and ask them to leave their name, send in a picture and suggest a date. I will then submit all the names and dates collected to the government of countries that I get the names from.

Forward this link to your friends:

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