Stray Cat Befriends Family and Leads Them to Her Place with Furry Surprises!

Stray Cat Befriends Family and Leads Them to Her Place with Furry Surprises!


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It's an incredible story of a mother cat who befriends a family and leads them to help her babies.


"She came up to my wife and me while we were gardening. The sweetest little kitty. She was rubbing up against us, bonking us, and enjoying some pats," said imgur user ttimi.

The gray kitty looked skinny and dehydrated, so they fetched her some water, but she wasn't into it very much. When they gave her some food, she simply couldn't resist. "She wolfed down a whole tin of wet cat food in mere seconds. The poor girl was hungry!"


"She stuck around for some more attention, then went off to, well, do whatever cat things she needed to do."

The couple decided they would take her in if she showed up again. "Sure enough, when we came back, kitty was there. We gave her more food, which she wolfed down again, but not quite as quickly this time. My wife took her to the vet to check for a microchip, as well as make sure she was healthy," he added.


They named her Bettydoll and found out that she wasn't chipped. After his wife went back to the vet to pick up some free food, the kitty started hanging out with her new human dad for a bit. Then suddenly, she decided to leave.

"But this time, she would take a few steps, sit down, and look back at me. For some reason, she wanted me to follow her, so I did. She led me to our backyard, and into our old shed. As she crawled into an old, forgotten lawn and leaf bag in the corner, I heard...


...the faintest of little mews. Our little girl was a momcat with three tiny, helpless kittens! We rounded her kittens up, and took everyone in the house."

That all happened in one day on June 15. Bettydoll and her three little kittens are in good care at their new home. "Momcat is well fed, well hydrated. She has a litterbox, food, and water in the room, as well as a fan set on low to circulate the air around.

When we come in to check on her, Bettydoll purrs up a storm, demands belly scritches, and lets us handle her little babies. The kittens are less than 10 days old. Their eyes aren't even open yet. The two black ones are males, and the grey one is a female (we think)."


BettyDoll update. No stories. Just cute kitten pictures!

It seems that mama cat was looking for a nice family to give her and her fur babies a helping hand.

What a great mom! Share this story!

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