Summer Salsa

Summer Salsa


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Summer and her 2 siblings were brought to Lord Smith Animal Hospital in December 2009. The three little fuzzy balls were in need of some serious TLC. Catherine Dondaldson took them into her foster home. "When Lort Smith ring… I pounce! Another little group of littlies that need TLC and fattening up, my fatting skills are legendary so watch out bellies! Please welcome this gorgeous crew."

We are happy to report that Summer and her two littermates have found their forever loving homes. Yay for happy endings! :)

Photos courtesy of ©Catherine Donaldson (flickr: kittiecatd, Lord Smith Animal Hospital).

"Here we have Summer doing what she loves to do her little squirming wriggle which i have called the Summer Salsa™. This time she was trying to kill the camera but she enjoys doing this at any stage. She is such a gorgeous gal."


"After a very big day of playing Summer collapsed into a heap in a kitten box lucky it was kitten sized and she fell asleep in this position."


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