Tabby Rescued from a Pile of Wood and Cobwebs

Tabby Rescued from a Pile of Wood and Cobwebs


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This tiny tabby kitten was trapped in a pile of old wood, crying for help, but a kind Samaritan came to the rescue.

Scott Allan who found the kitty wrote on his facebook: Walked outside this morning and heard what sounded like a bird, or squirrel, or something. Traced the sound to our side yard, and there he was, trapped in a junk pile of old wood and cobwebs. He wouldn't come to my call and any attempt to get my arm in there just made him back up and disappear. Soooo long story short, the shed is now without siding as that was the only way to get to him. He's just under 0.5 pounds and is barely 3-weeks old (at the vet's best guess). He seems to be in decent health considering my brother said he heard something, now thinks it was this guy, about 5-days ago. Soooo if anyone has any name suggestions for our new family member, let's hear 'em.

Kitty found from a pile of old wood and cobwebs

"My computer!"

Meeting family dog... "Are you my mother?"

Happy to be safe!

Photos by ©Scott Allan (follow his Facebook for updates, 500px)

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