Three Frisky Foster Kittens

Three Frisky Foster Kittens


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Michelle fostered a litter of three kittens and their rescued cat mama for Lort Smith Animal Hospital in Melbourne back in 2007. When the kitties just arrived, they explored around the house and Michelle's legs. "The little black and white girl pops up from under a knee to say hi. I wear my pajama bottoms when I settle in for a long play time with them, as I don't mind if these get threads pulled... They love climbing all over and under my lap and legs."

"Dita is a dainty little girl with the most beautiful face. Nella is the bold one of the trio and always has something to say. Milo, the 'man' of the bunch, is incredibly cute but also the most timid, at least about being picked up."

The three fuzzy balls love to play with the cardboard tube from inside a roll of paper towel but they dislike the noises the washing machine makes. When the washing machine was running, Michelle often took them to the living room and placed them in a laundry basket where they snuggled down for a good long nap.

When the little ones were big enough, Michelle returned them to the animal hospital to get ready for their forever homes. It was bittersweet for her to see them go, but knowing they would have a permanent home soon, she thought it was all worth it.

Photos courtesy of ©Michelle (flickr: shelie, more pictures of the kitties here)

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