Tiny Ginger Orphan Lost but Found

Tiny Ginger Orphan Lost but Found


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Food, a warm home and some tender loving care make this ginger fuzzball a very happy kitty. He was once lost, but found.

Oliver was picked up as an orphan. "My wife found this kitten where she works. We figure the momma cat was in the process of moving the litter and was not able to get back to this one. Being the animal lovers that we are, my wife brought it home. We estimate from what we can find he was about 2 - 3 days old when we got him," said Dough Bradley. Oliver grew so fast that the family could barely keep up with him. He got along with the family dogs and stole everyone's heart.

Photos by Doug Bradley Photography. As a handsome man cat today, he is very loved and spoiled as the king of the house.

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