Woman Hears Faint Meows and Finds Tiniest Kitten Fighting for His Life, Now a Year Later...

Woman Hears Faint Meows and Finds Tiniest Kitten Fighting for His Life, Now a Year Later...


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A few faint meows led a kind-hearted woman to the rescue of a newborn kitten. The miracle baby survived against all odds.

Meet little Fred!

Claudia Branco

Fred was not even one day old when he had to face near certain death. The tiny kitten refused to give up.

Claudia Branco heard faint cries coming from the outside. She traced the sound and was surprised to find three little kittens hidden in a hole, but two of them had already passed.

The sole survivor, Fred, was huddling next to his siblings fighting for his life. "The mama cat was not around, and never came back. Fred barely survived from hypothermia," Monica Varriano, friend of Claudia, told Love Meow.

Claudia Branco

Claudia and her family took the fur baby to the vet, and together they brought life and warmth back into that tiny body. They were amazed by the little guy's will to live, and would fight along with him.

That night she didn't get any sleep, watching over the kitten, feeding him around the clock and making sure he was breathing.

Claudia Branco

The whole family stepped in to help.

They took turns to feed the kitten and made sure he was always warm and loved.

Claudia Branco

After several sleepless nights, they woke up to a rambunctious little guy who had so much mischief in his eyes.

They couldn't believe that it was the same kitten that Claudia rescued.

Claudia Branco

Little Fred began to thrive.

Claudia Branco

As Fred grew bigger, he became more attached to Claudia and would follow her around the house.

Fred reminds his human mom that she needs a break from her laptop.

Claudia Branco

The little feline fighter just turned one year old. His family threw a party to celebrate this wonderful milestone.

Claudia Branco

One year after the rescue...

Fred and his rescuer, now forever human mom!

Claudia Branco

Fred demands cuddles and will snuggle in Claudia's arms despite what she is doing.

Watch this cute video:

Share this story with your friends. (h/t: Cats, Beavers & Ducks, Claudia Branco, Golden Age)

Related story: Tiniest Kitten Rescued by Big Guy They Never Expected, Now 2 Years Later...

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