Woman Found 3 Tiniest Little Guys Huddling for Warmth Under Car in Floodwaters

Woman Found 3 Tiniest Little Guys Huddling for Warmth Under Car in Floodwaters


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A woman was on her way to work when she found three tiny kittens completely drenched in rain water, huddling under her car for warmth.

The kittens were crying and shaking, so she took them inside to dry them off.

Photo: specklemuffins

"I was on my way to work at one of the local Baton Rouge TV stations (which is where I basically spent the entire following week doing crazy flood coverage), when I found them under my car," imgur user speckle muffins said.

"It was pouring rain and starting to flood and they were soaked and crying. Their momma appeared to have abandoned them..."

She had waist deep water in her apartment complex. The kitten probably would have drowned if she'd missed them. "I even waited around in the rain to see if the momma cat was nearby and was gonna show up. She never did."

The young woman brought them to work with her so she could continue caring for them. "No shelter would take them because they were all starting to flood and were getting tons of animals brought in because of the flood as well."

All three kittens huddling up for warmth.

Photo: specklemuffins

The kittens stayed in the newsroom for the whole weekend where she and her coworkers took turns to look after them.

"The people at the shelter told me to bottle feed them every two hours, so that's what I did," she wrote.

Photo: specklemuffins

She named them Darryl, Darryl, and Daisy. "We later discovered that Daisy is actually a boy and one of the Darryls is a girl."

"They were so little! I could hold all three of them in one hand. Everyone in the newsroom LOVED them and would take turns feeding them."

Photo: specklemuffins

Eventually she found the kittens a foster home where they get lots of love and care from their human and canine friends.

"The dogs make excellent babysitters!"

Photo: specklemuffins

"The kittens are doing well. The guy who fostered them said they've all gained about 6oz in just a week, which is huge growth for babies that little."

What a sweet little face!

Photo: specklemuffins

The kittens are eating well, playing and growing by leaps and bounds. They will go to good homes when they are big enough.

"I couldn't be a happier mommy right now," she said.

Photo: specklemuffins

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Related story: Heroic Man Rescues Kitten Stranded in Flood Waters

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