Employees Started Feeding Stray Cat, A Year Later, She's Like Family

Employees Started Feeding Stray Cat, A Year Later, She's Like Family


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A stray cat showed up near a winery and caught the attention of the workers there. They started feeding her and she began to inch closer to her human providers each day.

Meet Sasha the stray!

Courtesy: Carolyn

She was very shy when they first spotted her outside the office. The little grey kitty would hide when they tried to approach her and would only come out when it was time for food.

"She used to hide up in the trees or in bushes until we started putting food out," Carolyn told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Carolyn

As they continued to feed her and try to win her over, she began to peek inside the windows to investigate what the humans were doing.

She became more and more curious, and eventually came to the door and demanded a tour.

Courtesy: Carolyn

They left the door open for her and she decided to stay by the door while watching her human friends from afar. That marked her early days as a feline supervisor.

Courtesy: Carolyn

Sasha was still a bit hesitant to go inside the office, so they got her a cat tree condo to play in the yard. She loved it!

Courtesy: Carolyn

Sasha taking a nap under the shade.

Courtesy: Carolyn

Then one day, this happened!

"She was finally comfortable to come inside." That day Sasha claimed the office as her home and all the workers there her family.

Courtesy: Carolyn

Sasha curled up in a ball, snuggling with her human for a nap.

Courtesy: Carolyn

"Now she climbs all over us and sits on our desks and even has her own desk chair."

Courtesy: Carolyn

Sasha trying to help her human friend with her work.

Courtesy: Carolyn

"She follows us all over the property and loves to be around people now.

"Her name is Sasha although it's since morphed to Sushi, as pet names do."

Courtesy: Carolyn

"She's since been fixed and is a treasured family member at the winery."

This is Sasha and her very own office chair.

Courtesy: Carolyn

"A year ago we started leaving food out for a stray cat at work. Now she won't leave us alone."

Courtesy: Carolyn

Do you have an office cat? Share this story with your friends!

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