Woman Finds 3 Helpless Kittens on the Street and Gives Them What They Desperately Need

Woman Finds 3 Helpless Kittens on the Street and Gives Them What They Desperately Need


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A young woman found three tiny helpless kittens abandoned on the street without a mom in sight, she picked them up and got them exactly what they needed - a new mom!

Courtesy of SARA - Syrian Association for Rescuing Animals

The kittens were left in a box outside fending for themselves. "We heard the kittens' voice," Tamara Safaya of SARA - Syrian Association for Rescuing Animals told Love Meow.

They took the kittens off the street and immediately looked for help via the SARA's network.

The three babies are finally in a safe place!

Facebook/SARA - Syrian Association for Rescuing Animals

They found a cat mama who recently had her kittens and was able to provide the motherly care and love that the orphaned babies desperately needed.

"We found a cat mom via a Facebook group of animal lovers," Safaya told Love Meow.

The furry family accepted the tiny kittens right away.

Courtesy of SARA - Syrian Association for Rescuing Animals

Cat mama, Lulu, welcomed the babies to the family with open paws. Her own two kittens are a bit older, eyes already opened. The little ones, about a week old, can't see yet, but they can already feel the love from their new furry family.

The three kittens, Lucky, Peace and Sedra, are cuddling with their new bigger siblings.

Courtesy of SARA - Syrian Association for Rescuing Animals

They even share the same color :).

Courtesy of SARA - Syrian Association for Rescuing Animals

Mama Lulu nursing her own two kittens and the three smaller adopted babies.

One big happy family!

Facebook/Sara Orfale

Volunteers at SARA, a rescue group organized by animal lovers, work tirelessly to save 'unwanted' animals in Syria. "Here in Syria there are no laws to protect animals... We are trying our best to rescue any animals in need," SARA said.

You can support their rescue efforts here.

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