15 year old cat guards baby sister

Cat 15 Years Older Than His Baby Sister, Loves Her Like His Own


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Koo is a 15 year old cat with a big loving heart. Ever since his human was pregnant with a little baby girl, he's been by her side every step of the way.

This adorable Japanese Bobtail started hugging his baby sister when she was still in her mommy's womb. He purred to the baby throughout the entire 9 months and was there hugging the belly when the baby kicked and moved.

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

Then one day, his humans came home with a much tinier human. He walked up to the little baby who was fast asleep. After a few sniffs, Koo was in love.

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

Like Toco the cat, the bond was instant for Koo and his baby sister. He started guarding her by her side ever since.

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

Koo curled up for a nap while the baby was bundled up like a purrito.

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

He teaches the baby how to roll...

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

...and guards her when she naps.

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

The baby loves being tucked in together with her 15-year-old feline brother.

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

Wherever the baby is, Koo is always nearby, keeping a watchful eye.

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

He likes to snuggle up to her and hold her hand.

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

This beautiful senior cat makes the purrfect companion for his baby sister.

15 year old cat guards baby sisterPhoto: Shoko @rippy0916

Older cats make wonderful companions. More @rippy0916

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