Amputee Kitty Adopted By Someone Just Like Her

Amputee Kitty Adopted By Someone Just Like Her


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Itty Bitty the 3-legged kitty is adopted by a special human who is also an amputee. When Brian Gentilotti met the tripaw kitten, he knew it was the perfect match.

"Itty Bitty is the amazing story of an injured kitten brought to Katz 4 Keeps with an uncertain future. While waiting to grow big enough to be spayed and have her injured leg amputated, Itty Bitty met Brian. Brian, an amputee himself and a huge part of Camp No Limits (camp for amputee children), was brought to Katz 4 Keeps by a friend to meet Itty Bitty. Brian immediately felt a connection and put a hold on Itty Bitty for adoption," Katz 4 Keeps wrote on Facebook.

"I was down here visiting two campers and we were going to go to camp the following week. They said we found a really great cat for you to adopt so I came down and checked her out and that was it," said Gentilotti via First Coast News.

Itty Bitty had to have her badly injured front leg removed, but she isn’t letting her amputation slow her down at all.

"I also had an amputation due to traumatic injury. After I had the amputation I was able to go back to doing the things I used to do like snow mobile and ski so it was definitely a positive thing… She’s not limited… She climbs. She hops up on things. She plays. She walks," Gentilotti said.

"You can do anything. Don't sit home and feel sorry for yourself because you have one limb missing, a hand or are missing both legs. There are a lot of amputees there that are missing all four limbs, and it's amazing what they can do. They can throw a football better than I can, and this cat is an example of that. She's able to do anything," Gentilotti added.

Watch video via First Coast News:

Watch Itty Bitty play with her human:

Source: First Coast News

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