Blind And Deaf Reindeer Cat Gets Love And Gifts This New Year!

Blind And Deaf Reindeer Cat Gets Love And Gifts This New Year!


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A week ago Kitty Adventure Rescue League shared a story on reddit about their rescue cat Bonnie, a deaf and blind cat with brain damage, and how nothing could stop her from getting in the holiday spirit. The story touched many people's hearts over the internet. On this New Year's Eve, a lot of gifts and love are pouring in for Bonnie from those who were touched by this brave little tortie girl.

"A week ago I posted a festive photo of Bonnie, our blind, deaf, and severely brain damaged cat, on reddit. The response was amazing. Since then we have been receiving a steady stream of generous donations for the cats. We are absolutely speechless.

We have received over 350 cans of food, 250 lbs of dry food, 200 lbs of litter, along with cardboard scratchers, carriers, carpet scratcher, beds, cleaners, puppy pads, air fresheners, and much much more!" (Facebook)

Bonnie the reindeer cat is blind and deaf, but she doesn't let anything stop her from getting in the holiday spirit.

She was surrendered to Kitty Adventure Rescue League, a cat sanctuary, after she was severely injured in a car accident. Despite what happened to Bonnie, she's never stopped loving life. On this New Year's Eve, Bonnie received a lot of love and gifts from those who were touched by her story.

"Bonnie is safe, happy, and healthy now, and we strive to help her improve for whatever long life she has ahead of her."

"Bonnie is only 4, maybe 5 by now, and is expected to live a long healthy life."

"She is a very happy girl, and her favorite thing is to be picked up and held. That girl has a monster purr motor!"

We love you Bonnie. Have a happy 2015 and many wonderful years ahead of you.

Follow Bonnie at Kitty Adventure Rescue League.

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