Cat Brings Meaning to 90 Year Old Grandma and is the Love of Her Life

Cat Brings Meaning to 90 Year Old Grandma and is the Love of Her Life


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A beautiful tabby cat named Rio became the love of a grandmother's life 13 years ago. Rio hasn't left her side since the day they met.

Grandma Stella turned 90 this week. This is her and the love of her life, Rio!

Courtesy: Courtney Stella

"She turned 90 this week, and that cat Rio is 13 now. She calls him the love of her life," Courtney Stella, the granddaughter, told Love Meow.

Stella has dementia and Rio the cat keeps her company and brings her meaning. No matter how life may be, Rio is always able to brighten the day for grandma and put a smile on her face.

He likes to sit and purr in her lap or stay by her side while she crochets.

"Her husband, my grand father, died three months before I was born. So she's spent 24 years without him."

"Rio is the love of her life now."

Courtesy: Courtney Stella

Rio came to Stella more than a decade ago, and filled her heart with love and joy like no one else could. Over these years, Stella and her cat have been the best of friends, completely inseparable.

On her 90th birthday, Stella couldn't have been happier to spend this day with her family and her best friend Rio who has been her most loyal companion.

Courtesy: Courtney Stella

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