Cat Found in Snow is So Happy To be Saved She Can't Stop Thanking Her Rescuers

Cat Found in Snow is So Happy To be Saved She Can't Stop Thanking Her Rescuers


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It was at the right place at the right time when rescuers stumbled upon a cat desperately trying to stay warm out in the freezing cold.

Jennifer Gillispie and two other rescuers of Here Kitty Kitty Rescue were driving back to the shelter last week when they saw a little kitty sitting on the edge of the road, not moving.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

"Being at the right place at the right time, is often the saying of a true miracle. On the way back to the rescue, we were guided to save the life of a desperate, freezing cold and starving young female. Three souls who have a passion for rescuing wouldn't miss any chance to stop immediately," the rescue shared with Love Meow.

As they got out of their car, a large snowplow truck started barreling down the road, frightening the kitty. She wanted to run but was just too tired and weak.

When the kitty saw Jennifer, she started meowing at her and just let her pick her up.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

"She was petrified, shivering and wanted to be rescued. If she could only tell us what led her to be out in the freezing cold temperatures alone along the country road...

"You can't tell by the pictures but under her beautiful long hair is nothing but skin and bones."

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

Once they got the kitty inside the car, she cuddled up to her rescuer, gave her a tiny love nibble and started licking her hands. She was shivering very badly so Jennifer held her in her arms to keep her warm.

"She was so grateful and started licking Jen's hands right away," Missy of Here Kitty Kitty Rescue told Love Meow.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

They named her Aubin, which means "white" or "bright".

Watch Aubin cuddling with her rescuer in this heartwarming video:

They brought her back to Here Kitty Kitty Rescue, warmed her up, and fed her some food.

This is how skinny she is under all her hair.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

"She gobbled it right down and started purring. She knew she was safe. Sadly, she was not microchipped and no one came looking for her," Missy told Love Meow.

The sweet girl now has a warm, comfortable place to stay, plenty of food to eat and many volunteers to cuddle with.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

"She is settling in at the rescue just great and has a wonderful, sweet personality.

"We are truly blessed to have been at the right place and the right time to save dear Aubin."

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. If you are interested in adopting Aubin or other kitties at the rescue (in Elkhart, Indiana) , click here for more info.

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

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Related story: Couple Saves Kittens from Freezing Cold But After 20 Minutes of Snuggles

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