Cat Found On Street With His Belongings Meows to a Kind Person for Help...

Cat Found On Street With His Belongings Meows to a Kind Person for Help...


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A man couldn't believe his eyes when he spotted a cat in a carrier meowing on the street in Leyton (London) last Friday morning.

Celia Hammond Animal Trust

The kind-hearted man, George, was walking down the road when he saw the cat and a few toys and cat items strewn around. He knew that someone must have abandoned the cat there.

As he looked into the carrier, he saw a ginger cat who immediately meowed at him, pleading for help.

The heat started to get into the carrier, and George knew that he had to move the cat to safety. That's when he noticed another man discarding a cat tree on the side of the road, but he quickly walked away when he saw George.

George notified the police about the incident right away.

Celia Hammond Animal Trust

A woman who saw what happened, suggested that he get help from Celia Hammond Animal Trust, and he did.

When a volunteer of Celia Hammond, a rescue group in Lewisham, London, came for the ginger cat, named Marcus, George could finally breathe a sigh of relief. He would love to keep the kitty but due to rental policy, he isn't allowed to have pets, but he has planned to visit his fluffy pal at the shelter.

Celia Hammond Animal Trust

Now the sweet ginger boy is in the care of Celia Hammond and is getting a lot of cuddles and love from everyone there.

The rescue is determined to find this deserving, lovable kitty a great home that will love and cherish him forever.

Celia Hammond Animal Trust

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Related story: Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to Campers who Gave Her Food

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