Cat Makes Do with Two and Loves His Life to the Fullest

Cat Makes Do with Two and Loves His Life to the Fullest


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This kitty has two functioning legs. With a set of wheels, there's no limit to what he can do.

Meet Rexie the cat!

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

Rexie is a special kitty who loves life to the fullest.

When he was a kitten, his hind legs were paralyzed due to an injury. With a lot of care and love, he was able to get back to life. Nothing can stop this little guy, not even his disability.

"He has adapted to live with two legs. And he's actually not bothered by being handicapped. He runs, climbs and plays like any other cat," Daria Minaeva, Rexie's human, told Love Meow.

Rexie sits like a little human. He's always happy and content.

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

This amazing feline never ceases to surprise his human just how smart he is. He can chase insects like a pro and play and catch paper balls with incredible skills.

When he isn't playing, he watches the bird TV by the windows and chill on his favorite carpets.

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

Daria helped Rexie recover from his injury through physiotherapy. There's not a moment he isn't enjoying his life.

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

"He's a snuggle bug and he likes to knead and hug," Daria told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

Daria wanted Rexie to be able to walk and run more freely, so she got him a set of wheels.

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

It's given him a new lease of life. He gets to go out to run in the field and go on walks with his mom.

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

The playful little guy can't get enough of all the wonderful adventures. He doesn't think he's disabled. With these wheels, Rexie thinks he's been given a super power.

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

The sky is the limit for this wonder cat.

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

Every day he tells his human how grateful he is by purring into her ears and snuggling in her arms. "Life fails to be perfect, but never fails to be beautiful," Daria said.

This amazing feline has showed his human that cats with disability can live a happy, fulfilling life. All they need is a second chance.

Courtesy: Daria Minaeva @ferrecats

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Related story: The Joy When Rescue Kitten Runs in His New Wheelchair

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