Cat Wanders In the Neighborhood Until He Finds Someone Who Saves Him

Cat Wanders In the Neighborhood Until He Finds Someone Who Saves Him


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A cat started showing up on the door step of an apartment building. No one wanted to claim him until a man saw the cat one day and knew that he had to help. "This guy was abandoned by the neighbors. I started offering him food, shelter, and medical care. Now he follows me everywhere, even across the street to give blood," he wrote via reddit.

They found the cat outside looking for food scraps. "You should have seen him when he first started coming around- sickly skinny. I figured he had worms so we did the de-worming thing, he packed on the pounds pretty quickly after that." The man and his girlfriend took the cat to the vet to get him treated, immunized and neutered. "He just does his thing and I'm happy to help him be his own dude."

Unfortunately there is a strict "No Pets" policy from the landlord, but the couple is doing everything they can to keep the cat safe, fed and warm. "I let him inside when I can, but I'm not allowed pets, technically. He gets warm naps on blankets on a daily basis though, and plenty of loving. I just have to watch out for the landlord."

They recently built a house for the cat and are getting heat supplies and a few other things. "After work tonight I'm going to pick up some heaters to put in the cat house. Then they'll be all set."

When asked "if you move, will you consider taking the cat with you?" The man said "Sure I will. I think he's pretty happy in my company."

A cat started showing up on the door step. No one wanted to claim him until a man saw him one day and knew that he had to help.

There is a strict "No Pets" policy from the landlord, but the couple is doing everything they can to keep the cat safe, fed and warm. They recently built a house for the kitty.

When asked "if you move, will you consider taking the cat with you?". The man said "Sure I will. I think he's pretty happy in my company."

Photos via reddit.

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