Deaf Kitten is Attached to Her Rescuers After They Saved Her from Busy Highway

Deaf Kitten is Attached to Her Rescuers After They Saved Her from Busy Highway


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They rushed out to the highway to rescue a little kitten from busy traffic. The tiny white kitten can't hear a sound, but she never lacks affection.

Meet Yuna the cat!

Photo: seagespacho

When they saw the kitten, they were surprised to see how close she was to the cars. They got out of their vehicle and ran to grab the kitten from the side of the highway and got her into their car.

As soon as the kitten was settled in the lap of her rescuer, she began to purr, and she just kept purring all the way to her new home.

After a little while they realized that the tiny kitten doesn't react to sound, but she always wants to attention and love.

Yuna has two different colored eyes. As a white cat, it's a sign that she may be deaf.

Photo: seagespacho

"It is confirmed by both the vet and the vacuum. It's no wonder she was so close to the cars, she couldn't hear them to be scared," imgur user seagespacho said.

Despite being deaf, she is simply so excited to be in a house and safe.

"She fell asleep on my shoulder the night we brought her home."

Photo: seagespacho

Yuna is adjusting to indoor life like a champ.

"She seems to see pretty well. At least she doesn't run into anything. She watches stuff very intently too."

Napping with her favorite human in the world.

Photo: seagespacho

She follows them around the house and wouldn't sleep unless she has her humans by her side.

Yuna found a comfortable spot for a quick cat nap.

Photo: seagespacho

This tiny ball of fur is so grateful to have a family that she can cuddle with every night.

"I'm glad I found her and she's safe and happy."

Photo: seagespacho

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Related story: This Man Saves a Cat From Freeway While Everyone Else Refused to Help!

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