Day Old Kitten Finds Second Chance At Life

Day Old Kitten Finds Second Chance At Life


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A tiny kitten survived its first day of life despite being without a mother. The kitty is smaller than the size of a palm. The good Samaritans that saved the tuxedo, are trying to raise the little one and keep it alive.

"We have a heated bed/basket for the little one. My friend works at a vet and has tons of experience taking on these little lost causes," said reddit user Bokonon532.

The kitty is now at the vet. "My friend is a vet tech and brought it in to work today. She has done this before and the cat is in good hands."

They found this tiny kitten and are trying everything to keep the kitty alive.

Kitty is in good hands now. Hanging in there strong.

Photos via reddit.

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