Dog Became Family with 2 One-eyed Cats - Now They Foster Kittens Together.

Dog Became Family with 2 One-eyed Cats - Now They Foster Kittens Together.


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Kelly H. was strictly a dog person when she found Suzie the pup eight years ago, but her kitten-loving canine friend changed her mind when they started fostering kitties.

Meet Suzie and Kushi the cat!

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

About four years ago, Kelly went to a local shelter to see if she could foster a dog. They didn't have any at the time but did have a litter of 4-week-old kittens in need of love.

Worried that Suzie might not accept them, Kelly hesitantly said "Yes." "Turned out she was amazing with the kittens. So I kept bringing home more (still very much convinced that I would never adopt one myself). Then Kushi came along," Kelly told Love Meow.

Kushi immediately took a liking to his canine friend and would lick her face and snuggle with her all the time. The kitty had an infected eye that was later removed. Kelly took care of him after he got treatment and had surgery.

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

"The entire time I was trying to connive myself that I couldn't keep him but he and Suzie were such a good match. Most of my fosters are very fond of Suzie but he loved her on a whole different level and she really loved him," Kelly told Love Meow.

"The second that we started looking for a family for him I realized I couldn't let him go, so he stayed."

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

From that day on, Kushi joined forces with Suzie to help foster kittens that their human mom brought home. "Kushi started helping me raise foster kittens and he really enjoyed it." (Scroll down for video)

His first foster kitten, Shawn, had vision problems. Kushi seemed to empathize with him and stayed by his side or under the bed, keeping him company.

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

"Kushi was so good with him. He really bonded with a few kittens in particular but they already had homes lined up. I could tell he was a bit sad when they left so I decided then that he needed a friend of his own," Kelly told Love Meow.

Suzie, Kushi and their three ginger fosters.

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

When Kelly heard about Sunny the blind cat 1.5 years ago, she immediately offered to take her, thinking that the calico might be a good match for Kushi.

It didn't take long for Sunny to fall in love with her canine friend. "She was all over Suzie and found her presence to be very comforting."

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

A few days later, Kushi grabbed the little blind kitten and started grooming and doting on her. Sunny was not a fan of baths but couldn't resist the love.

Now every time Kelly brings home new fosters, the trio come together to welcome them and offer them help in different ways.

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

"Suzie tends to take on the roll of protector. She gets so worried when kittens cry. She has even been a huge help with taming feral kittens in the past," Kelly told Love Meow.

"She also behaves very differently around different cats. When she meets an animal that is very nervous she does this thing where she won't look at them directly, moves very slowly to not startle them, and just tries to make herself as non threatening as possible. Its very sweet."

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

While Suzie helps calm the kittens, Kushi washes them, keeping them clean. Just like Suzie, he comes running whenever he hears a kitten's cry.

"He is kind of the official greeter of the house. He will be the first to welcome a new foster, even if it is a great big dog. He loves to clean foreheads and faces, especially after meal time."

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

Sunny, the youngest of the three, is following her siblings' paw steps. "Since she can't see, the new smells make her a bit nervous but she usually warms up to them in a couple of days," Kelly told Love Meow.

"She plays with the kittens and helps me socialize them. She's really just a big kitten at heart."

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

The trio doting on a foster kitten at the same time.

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

Many kittens and even puppies have found love and trust through these three furry friends.

Even the most timid kittens ended up purring and snuggling in their arms.

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

Together, the trio makes a great team, helping kittens and puppies in need.

Kelly H. @suzie_and_kushi

Follow Suzie, Kushi and Sunny and their adventures on Instagram.

Watch the trio in this cute video:

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Related story: Dog Becomes Foster Mom to Nearly 100 Kittens After She Lost Her Best Cat Friend

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