Featured Cat Story: Millie

Featured Cat Story: Millie


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Courtesy of Alora:

I had a cat named Millie who was adopted from PAWS. She was with me for about 8 years and finally died about age 16.

She had the kindest spirit. She never minded going to the vet in fact she was the only cat I've known to keep purring through having her temperature taken :-)

She was coming to the end of her life, her kidneys were failing and couldn't walk very well. It was clear I needed to help her through this. Even though she felt awful, couldn't hold her bladder any longer and at times could only eat lying down next to her food dish, she would purr and give love.

It was my duty to take her and make sure she was no longer in pain. I stayed with her and said goodbye before they took her back for the final time.

I still think about Millie, how she was the cat that would greet me at the door when I came home from work and followed me everywhere in the house. When she wanted to wake me up and just sit and stare at me.... If I didn't wake she would hit my nose with her paw! Never meowed to be fed but made her needs known in other ways.

I really miss her.

- Alora


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