Former President Cat's Ashes Returned Home

Former President Cat's Ashes Returned Home


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Socks was former president Bill Clinton's family pet cat during his presidency. He was first spotted in 1991 jumping into Chelsea Clinton's arms after she exited from her piano teacher's house in Litter Rock, Arkansas. The cat was a stray prior to their meeting.

Socks resided in the White House during President Clinton's term and was often taken out for a walk on a leach. Socks became the first pet of the White House and his fame grew among many children who got to know him through the White House website where a cartoon version of Socks was the guide for the site.

Socks eventually "stepped down" from his first pet position because the Clinton's decided to have a labrador retriever as more of a traditional pet choice in the White House. Socks was never fond of the idea of having a canine companion and was never able to get along with the dog named Buddy. Eventually when Clinton's left the White House, Socks was given to Betty Currie, a former secretary of Bill Clinton.

Socks was born in March, 1989 and left us due to cancer in February this year. His ashes were transported back to Arkansas, his home, and were spread around the Governor's Mansion for his final rest.

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