Kitten Missing One Eye Comes to Couple's Call at Shelter and Steals Their Heart

Kitten Missing One Eye Comes to Couple's Call at Shelter and Steals Their Heart


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A tiny kitten lost an eye but gained forever humans who love him to bits. This is a story with a very happy ending.

Meet Sheldon the cat


When Sheldon was a wee kitten, one of his eyes got infected but his previous owners let it go unchecked.

"They surrendered him to an animal shelter, but the eye ended up rupturing and it had to be removed. He was in the shelter for about a month before my boyfriend and I found him," imgur user mandapanda1218 said.

"When we got him at the shelter, (my boyfriend) called his name, and Sheldon instantly came over."

That day he left the shelter with his new humans. "On the way home he wouldn't stop meowing. I had to take him out of the kennel and hold him so he'd calm down."

More info on imgur.

He was really timid when he first got home and immediately found a hiding spot.


"Day 2 went a bit better. We got him a collar, and spend around $200 on 'cat supplies'. We were aware we were spoiling him, but we wanted him to have the very best so he knew he was loved."

Sheldon finally opening up to his new human mom, purring aloud on her lap.


"He loves playing with our 2 rats (Loonette and Debbie). Sometimes he gets a bit too rough, but Loonette is quick to kick his butt when he needs it."


"He loves laying next to me and on top of my chest. It sometimes comes with less sleep for me, but as long as the fur baby is comfortable."


This has become Sheldon's all time favorite spot.


Sheldon today! Happy and loved!

"I love this cat so much... I'm so glad we found him and was able to give him a forever home. :)"


Share this story and help a kitty in your local shelter find a home for the holidays :).

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