Rescued Kitten Needs a Friend to Cuddle — Dog Takes to Him and Helps Him Get Better

Rescued Kitten Needs a Friend to Cuddle — Dog Takes to Him and Helps Him Get Better


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A rescued kitten who was half the size he should be, found a canine friend to cuddle.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

A tiny 3-week-old kitten was brought to the Jacksonville Humane Society (in Jacksonville, Florida) as a stray late April. He was in poor shape and much smaller than other kittens his age.

Kaitlyn, a vet tech at the shelter, took the little guy into her care. "He was only half the size due to having a rough start. When I first saw him, he did not have much energy and will. He had a nose completely crusted and full of snot and eyes crusted shut," Kaitlyn told Love Meow.

She took him home and started him on antibiotics. The kitten couldn't eat on his own and needed to be tube-fed around the clock.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

She named him Rhaegar, and he is a fighter. Over the next few weeks, his eyes improved and cleared up and his energy level soared. The kitty became very playful and just wanted to be cuddled.

As soon as his mouth healed, he started meowing and voicing his many opinions.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

"He finally has a voice and has been meowing at me during feeding time," Kaitlyn said.

After several rounds of antibiotics, round-the-clock feedings, the little guy was finally looking up. "Slow and steady, but he is getting healthier by the day. Whatever he needs, I'm there for it."

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

A month after he was rescued, Rhaegar hit the one-pound milestone. He learned to eat on his own and even started to chow on big kitty food.

"He is happy as can be and has formed a best friendship with my dog and tries to cuddle up to the cats," Kaitlyn said.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

Grace the dog is very nurturing to every foster that comes through the door. She accepts them right away and showers them with licks and cuddles.

When Rhaegar was introduced to his canine foster mom, he immediately took a liking to her and started following her around.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

"He finds her wherever she is, sits by her, lays with her, sleeps in her dog bed with her at night," Kaitlyn told Love Meow.

The little kitten thinks he's part canine, following in Grace's paw-steps and picking up puppy skills along the way.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

Grace is a doting foster mom, watching over her kitten every step of the way. She makes sure he's safe and will come running if he cries.

Rhaegar has learned to drink water from a bowl like a big kitty. Mama Grace is very proud.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

Once the kitten is done playing, he curls up next to his best friend, purring away.

They are completely inseparable and always cuddling.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

The kitten has a possible congenital condition, which explains his slow growth. Kaitlyn is working tirelessly to get the medical care he needs to thrive.

Mama Grace continues to help look after her kitten, making sure he's loved.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

"Rhae has really transformed into a playful, fun kitten since meeting Grace," Kaitlyn told Love Meow.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

"He has blossomed during our last four months together and is so much stronger, confident, sweet and energetic than when I met him."

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

Rhae is still tiny in size, but he has a big personality, loves to cuddle and is as sweet as can be.

Kaitlyn @foster.rinse.repeat

Share this story with your friends. Follow Rhae and Grace on Instagram @foster.rinse.repeat.

Related story: Couple Tries to Find Kitten a Home But Their Puppy Cuddles Her and Won't Let Go

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