Kitty was Ignored Because of Her Face Until 7-year-old Girl Saved Her and Changed Her Life

Kitty was Ignored Because of Her Face Until 7-year-old Girl Saved Her and Changed Her Life


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No one believed that this kitten would have a chance to survive, but the little furry fighter never gave up despite the odds.

Meet Gülümser, the kitty who always smiles!

YouTube/Viktor Larkhill

The little calico was found on the streets of Istanbul, living between garbage cans. Most people passed her by because of her face until a 7-year-old girl, who heard the kitten's cries, decided to stop and help.

Her father happened to be a doctor, so together they brought the kitten home and nursed her back to health. For the very first time, the little miracle kitten felt what it was like to be loved, and she began to thrive.

The kitten's facial deformity was a result of severe infections.

YouTube/Viktor Larkhill

"They said she had no chance but then a miracle happened... she fought back," said Viktor Larkhill, founder of Let's Adopt, Global.

They named the kitten Gülümser, which means "she who always smiles."

With a lot of love, care and patience, the kitten bounced back like a warrior!

YouTube/Viktor Larkhill

Gülümser blossomed at her forever home.

She's no longer that malnourished, starved kitten found in the garbage. Her loving family has turned her life around.

YouTube/Viktor Larkhill

She doesn't have an upper lip and left ear, but the little kitten absolutely loves life.

YouTube/Viktor Larkhill

She has a big family that loves her to bits, including her best ginger feline friend.

YouTube/Viktor Larkhill

The kitty and her rescuer are completely inseparable.

Gülümser has transformed into a beautiful cat, who is so brave, grateful, and incredibly loving.

YouTube/Viktor Larkhill

Now little Gülümser wears a permanent smile, and is the happiest little kitty she can be.

YouTube/Viktor Larkhill

Watch her story in this video:

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Related story: Rescue Cat Turns Her Crooked Jaw into a Beautiful Smile

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