Man Gives Shelter Cat Mom Safe Home to Raise 5 Kittens, So They Can Thrive

Man Gives Shelter Cat Mom Safe Home to Raise 5 Kittens, So They Can Thrive


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A 1-year-old cat mama and her five tiny kittens came to a local shelter in Arlington, Washington, for a chance at a better life.

A man who has been fostering for 10 years, took the family of six home so the mother cat could have a safe and comfortable place to raise her babies.

The Critter Room

After Mama Gamora gave birth to her kittens a month ago, they were brought to Purrfect Pals Cat Sanctuary and Adoption Centers as their previous owners could no longer care for them.

The shelter environment is not ideal to raise kittens. When Foster Dad John learned that they needed a foster home, he immediately offered to take the feline family, and Gamora became his 60th foster kitty.

There are five kittens - Topaz, Kyanite, Alexandrite, Jasper and Amber.

The Critter Room

Amber, the runt of the litter, was growing slower than her siblings, and much smaller in size. At one week old, Amber was just 60% the size of her brother, Jasper.

"She was at 93 grams (3.3 oz), trailing the smallest other kitten by 44 grams. She made a solid 6-gram gain the day before. That may not seem like much but you'll have smaller gains when you're smaller," John said.

The Critter Room

Amber may be tiny but she has developed quite the cattitude. "She is quite feisty at the Milk Bar and can hold her own," John added.

When John is present, mama Gamora will happily leave her babies to him so she can get some much-needed replenishment and some me-time.

The Critter Room

The kittens adore their foster dad and will respond to his voice and watch him attentively as if they are tiny "supurrvisors" in training.

They gathered around by his side, forming the purrfect little audience.

The Critter Room

By week three, the kittens started to have a growth spurt.

"They all had massive gains on the Thursday evening weigh-in, ranging from 16.5 grams to 20 grams," John said.

The Critter Room

Little runt, Amber, put on 20 grams, catching up on weight with her siblings.

Mama Gamora is very proud.

The Critter Room

Cuddle time!

The Critter Room

Thriving in their foster home.

Knowing her kittens will grow up to be loved and cherished, Mama Gamora couldn't be happier.

The Critter Room


All of the kittens have been adopted!

The Critter Room

Mama Gamora also has found her forever home!

The Critter Room

Follow John's foster kitties at The Critter Room on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Jasper the big boy tries to fight off his nap.

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Related story: Cat Brings Her Kittens to Man Who Helped Her and Gave Her Food - She Won't Let Him Go

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