Micro Kitten Found Less than 2 Ounces, is Now Thriving

Micro Kitten Found Less than 2 Ounces, is Now Thriving


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Little Clifton was just one day old, weighing less than 2 ounces when rescuers found him and took him out of a hoarding situation.

"He's doing great! Adorable! Gaining weight!" Ellen Carozza told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Ellen Carozza

"Cliff was born on 4/22/16 under a dresser after his mom was rescued from a hoarding situation from Operation Hood," Ellen Carozza of Operation Hood told Iizcat. "I obtained him because I specialize in complicated neonatal kitten care."

Having a cleft lip/palate makes it difficult for little Cliff to nurse from his own mother. He is significantly smaller than his age.

Carozza took him in and began to help him eat. "Many of these babies need to be tube fed for weeks before surgery (they have a high mortality rate.)"

Courtesy: Ellen Carozza

Three weeks later, this palm sized fur baby is still very tiny at just 4.5 ounces but little Cliff is thriving in foster care.

"This little guy charms everyone he meets. Right now he acts like a typical 3-week-old-kitten, just micro sized!"

Courtesy: Ellen Carozza

Carrozza, a licensed veterinary technician at NOVA Cat Clinic in Arlington, VA, is feeding the kitten around the clock and giving him the motherly love and care that is vital for his health and growth.

Courtesy: Ellen Carozza

Benedict Cumbercat, who is also a rescue, is cleaning little Cliff. "Benny cleans all the babies in the house," Carozza told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Ellen Carozza

"Every life deserves a chance, you just need to find the right people to help you."

Cliff the micro kitty gets all the love and attention he wants from everyone at the clinic. He absolutely loves life.

Courtesy: Ellen Carozza

What a second chance can do! Share this story with your friends!

(h/t: Iizcat)

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