Neighborhood Stray Brings a Tiny Surprise to Man Who was Kind to Her..

Neighborhood Stray Brings a Tiny Surprise to Man Who was Kind to Her..


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A neighborhood cat showed up at an apartment complex one day and befriended a man who was kind to her. A few weeks later, she came back with a tiny surprise.

Supplied by Cameron

After Cameron moved to his new apartment, he was soon greeted by a neighborhood stray who decided that she would be his friend.

"The cat came by ever since I moved in these apartments," Cameron told Love Meow. He gave her food and spent a lot of time bonding and caring for her.

Then one day the calico didn't come back and the next day there was no sight of her. Cameron waited and waited, hoping she would return. A little over a month later, a familiar face came back to the porch but she wasn't alone this time.

"She came around the corner with a little kitty… I never knew that she was pregnant."

Supplied by Cameron

Cameron who never had a cat growing up, couldn't believe his eyes.

Despite the little experience he had with cats, he took on the task and started looking after both of them.

Supplied by Cameron

His landlord wouldn't let him keep them inside but he continued to feed them every day, doing the best he could to care for them.

Supplied by Cameron

Momma and her little mini-me.

She brought her fur baby to the man who was kind to her and earned her trust.

Supplied by Cameron

When mama started distancing herself from her baby, Cameron was surprised at first but soon realized that it was time to find the kitten a forever home where she would feel safe and loved.

"I found the kitty a nice indoor home (nearby), so the mom cat could see the little kitten if she ever wanted," Cameron told Love Meow.

Supplied by Cameron

A nice family opened their hearts to this little bundle of joy.

Cuddling with her rescuer before heading over to her new home.

Supplied by Cameron

"This little kitty was my sunshine... I'm glad to have found her a home."

Supplied by Cameron

Cameron is looking after mama every day while preparing to have her spayed. So far mama refuses to move inside, but Cameron is determined to help her no matter how long it takes.

"I feed her every day... and made a little house if she ever slept."

Supplied by Cameron

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Related story: Stray Kitten Surprises Family When She Walks Up to Their Cat and Makes Him Her New Dad

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