Red and Elmo The Bookshop Cats

Red and Elmo The Bookshop Cats


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Two cats from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, run a book store named The Bookshop 7 days a week. They become the mascots of the bookstore that many people come in for.

"We chanced upon this bookstore after seeing a ginger tabby cat curled up at the shop window ledge. As we walked in to check if it was a real cat, a cat came to greet us. There were also pamphlets pasted on the shelves, of cat rescue groups and contacts... Elmo was very protective about his home and accompanied us on our book search," Kalyanee A. said via yelp.

"Books and a cat. My kind of bookstore… Catching me off guard, the regally handsome gold cat jumped up on the stool next to me and meowed," Ann H. said.

"I'll admit, my love for this place was pretty immediate and mostly due to the cats. Books and cats are my two most favorite things to be around… The two bookstore cats were amazing. They were calm and peaceful and let me pet them. If I weren't 'touring' the area, I would have stayed here ALL DAY. Seriously. Petting a purring kitty and reading a book ALL DAY," said Kaitlin D.

"I think it's cool how they have information on cat adoption and where to go to find a new pal," said Felecia B.

The owner put up the sign so no one would disturb the little kitty when he naps.

Lee, Red and Elmo at work

Red guarding the books

Elmo found the box and claimed it

Red watching the traffic and birds

Elmo helped staff build a dinosaur the other night.

"Pet me before you proceed."

When both of them want to be by the window, only one can be in the bed...

When a customer leaves a chair in a weird place, Red must of course sit on it. Elmo watches jealously.

Elmo hops in the postal service box...

Red having some lap time with his favorite human friend Lee. He doesn't want him to go home today.

Photos via The Bookshop, reddit, yelp. (follow them on Facebook).

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